The University Goce Delcev – Shtip is marking the 15th anniversary with series of events within the Faculty of Philology. Assistant prof. dr. Alma V. Lama from the University of Business and Technology (UBT) - Pristina, held a guest interactive lecture on 10.03.2022.

She was born in Kosovo where she gained her bachelor degree in English language and literature. She continued with her education and finished her MA and PhD degree at the South-East European University in Tetovo. She is an expert in the field of English studies and contributed to different universities in Kosovo. She is currently working at UBT and is the dean of the English language school. Dr. Lama gave a guest lecture on the topic “Introduction to linguistics” and was aimed at students. There were around 75 listeners, both students and professors after which followed a constructive debate.

Assistant prof. dr. Natka Jankova Alagjozovska and assistant prof. dr. Saska Jovanovska from the English department organized the event through which doors to cooperation were opened for the staff and the students as well.

Технички секретар

Јулијана Денкова
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